Global Offices
Thank you for visiting The Forum Corporation. If you would like more information about our learning solutions in the areas of leadership development, sales force effectiveness, or customer loyalty, please contact one of our offices around the world or submit your query here.
United States
Corporate Headquarters 265 Franklin Street, 4th Floor Boston, MA 02110-3113 Tel? 1.800.FORUM.11 Fax 617.371.3300
17 State Street, 32nd Floor New York, NY 10004 Tel? 1.800.367.8611 Fax 212.201.5401
125 South Wacker Drive Suite 1600 Chicago, IL 60606 Tel? 1.800.367.8611 Fax 312.803.4001
The Forum Corporation of Canada 161 Bay Street, 27th Floor Canada Trust Tower of BCE Place P.O. Box 508 Toronto, Ontario M5J 2S1 Tel? 1.800.367.8611 Fax 416.572.4165
Forum Europe 27 Mortimer Street London W1T 3JF Tel +44.(0)20.7850.7500 Fax +44.(0)20.7850.7670
Forum is a division of IIR Limited
Registered in England under no. 1835199
Registered Office: Mortimer House, 37-41 Mortimer Street, London W1T 3JH
VAT Number: GB 365 4626 36
International Affiliates:
Forum Asia Limited 20/F, Siu On Centre 188 Lockhart Road Wanchai, Hong Kong Tel 852.2810.7071 Fax 852.2877.5838
Forum Japan Co., Ltd. #1108 WIN YOTSUYA 2-18 Sumiyoshi-cho Shinjuku-ku, Tokyo 162-0065 Japan Tel81.3.3350.0912
Fax 81.3.3350.0937
Forum Asia PTY Limited 112 Robinson Rd #03-02 HB Robinson Singapore 068902 Tel 65.6236.9705 Fax 65.6223.8711
Forum Korea Limited Daeyoung Bldg.,3rd Floor 44-1 Yoido-dong, Youngdungpo-ku Seoul 150-714 South Korea Tel 82.2.761.7888 Fax 82.2.782.8113
Forum Corporation Pty. Ltd.
Level 14 201 Miller Street
North Sydney NSW 2060
Australia Tel 61.2.9955.4877 Fax 61.2.9955.6361
Forum Corporation Pty. Ltd. Level 2 140 Queen Street Melbourne, Victoria Australia 3000 Tel 61.3.9642.1385 Fax 61.3.9642.3355
New Zealand
Forum Corporation Ltd. Michael Dunlop Level 19, 191 Queen Street Auckland, New Zealand Phone 64.9.913.1829 Fax 64.9.914.2907
Forum Corporation Ltd. Level 7, 40 Mercer Street Wellington, New Zealand Phone 64.4.917.0284 Fax 64.4.917.0285
Forum Corporation Ltd. John Duncan 6 Crombie Green, Northwood Christchurch, New Zealand Phone Fax 64.3.323.9738